Nordic Quantum Computing Group (NQCG) today announced a new platform to locate, asses and translate business, legal and science data into actionable business intelligence. The new platform will have initial use from Lockheed Martin, a leading aerospace and defence company. The platform leverages state-of-the-art artificial intelligence techniques to inform business development and investment decisions.
A complete revised version of the Uniform Description System for Materials on the Nanoscale (UDS) is now available for download.
The NanoReg2 project held its official kickoff meeting in Paris to commence essential work on developing innovative approaches for nanotechnology development and regulation.
A complete version of the Uniform Description System for Materials on the Nanoscale (UDS) is now available for download.
This draft document is the result of two years effort, five international workshops, and many face-to-face and email discussions. Over 80 experts have participated in this work to date.
Axel P. Mustad, Chairman of NQCG Board of Directors, elected to serve on the eNanoMapper Scientific Advisory Board.
It is with great sadness that NQCG has received notification that Jon Bing passed away Tuesday 14, January 2014.
CODATA-VAMAS released a revised Draft Framework for the Uniform Description System for Materials on the Nanoscale on October 3, 2013. The Framework is available on the WG’s web site here.
NQCG attended inaugural Core Team Working Meeting of CODATA-VAMAS Working Group on the Description of Nanomaterials convened in Paris at ICSU Headquarters May 30-31, 2013.
NQCG attended the ICSU-CODATA Workshop on the Description of Nanomaterials, February 23-24, 2012, Paris, France.
The Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry is implementing a cross-Ministry strategy for nanotechnology.
The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (DNVA) will cooperate with NQCG to make sure the wider international scientific community engage in development of open scientifically based standards and classifications for nanotechnology specified in open computational ontologies.
NQCG support collaborative development of international standard terminologies for nanoelectronics and nanophotonics.