DNVA appoints NQCG to represent Norway in ICSU CODATA

Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (DNVA) appoints NQCG Chairman Axel P. Mustad as representative in International Council for Science (ICSU) under Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA).

DNVA recommends a new project be established in ICSU under CODATA for international cooperation and collaboration in the development of an open platform for ontology engineering and evolution for nanoscience and nanotechnology. The involvement of the wider scientific community in these important activities through an open and freely available Internet based technology platform and system would assist ICSU in facilitating input of nano terms from its members and share this knowledge with experts involved in development and maintenance of international standards for nanotechnology.

Norway is actively engaged in these activities and find confidence in continued development of open ontologies in cooperation with ICSU.

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Image Courtesy A. Dzurak, University of New South Wales

NQCG's primary research interest is the realization of quantum simulators capable of complex computations in the fields of nanoscience and continuum mechanics.