EU NanoSafety Cluster — 2nd Global NanoSafety Database Survey
NQCG organizes 2nd EU NanoSafety Cluster Global NanoSafety Database Survey.
The Nano Safety Cluster Database Working Group (WG4), with support and input from the EU - caLIBRAte project, the ProSafe project, and Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS are collecting up-to-date information on Nano-Environmental Health and Safety and Nano-Safety databases in the EU and across the world via a joint survey.
This is the second bi-annual survey from the Database WG and the caLIBRAte project’s second survey to gather and update knowledge on data resources. The findings will be shared with the community, enhancing knowledge of the Nano database landscape, and opening further possibilities for sharing data and information to the mutual benefit of the NANO-EHS community, and beyond.
The questionnaire should take about 15 minutes or so to complete for each database. Please respond even where the database is currently still under construction or not yet well populated, or is from a project that completed or closed in the last few years - we still want to hear from you.
Please click on this link to fill in the questionnaire by the 10th of January:
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